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Non-Traditional Security Research Center,

China National Institute for Shanghai Coperation Organization

On September 13, 2013, at the 13th meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, the Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his will in title of "carry forward Shanghai spirit " for SCO members states to promote common development. He declared that China would set up China National Institute for Shanghai Cooperation and use this platform to strenthern talent exchange and training.

China National Institute for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Training Base was officially inaugurated on May 20, 2014 at Shanghai, which mainly serves as a training base for the security and judicial officials of SCO member states, also for the capacity building in the field of counter-terrorism and human securities.

In November 2017, Non-Traditional Security Research Center, under China National Institute for Shanghai Coperation Organization was set up as a research base on non-traditional securities under SCO framework, with support of Institute for Overseas Safety and Security(OSS Insitute) and OSS Consulting Co., LTD.

The Non-Traditional Security Research Center, under China National Institute for Shanghai Coperation Organization, led by Dr Zhou Zhanggui as the program coordinator, is the first China based think thank focusing on energy security and oversease security issues under SCO framework. Its main tasks include theoretical research and trainging in the field of overseas security and energy security for trainees from SCO members.

Its Flagship events:

Academic research and training on energy cooperation and overseas security;

Overseas filed security analysis and risk assessment;

Field investigation and due diligence;

Organizing workshops, seminars, international academic conferences'

Policy consultation and reports.

Contact us:

Email: zhouzhanggui@sina.com

Address: Room 106, international center, no. 136, nanshan road, hangzhou, China/

Room 409-411, west no.1, zijingang campus, zhejiang university, hangzhou, China

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