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Icoca-oss collaboration plan


The icoca-oss collaboration program is led by Dr. Zhou zhanggui, an observer and representative of the international association for the code of conduct on security (ICoCA), and the China observer office of ICoCA is established to take charge of ICoCA's cooperation with relevant Chinese departments and industry institutions in promoting international standard services for security.

On August 15, 2017, the international association of security code of conduct (ICoCA) respects the Geneva headquarters secretariat, based on long-term overseas risk areas and project practical experience and academic basis, in accordance with the relevant international organizations and agencies in the United Nations system recommendation and application, and approve Zhou Zhanggui ICoCA invited Dr Since August 15, 2017, the international observers, to improve relevant international standards.

Dr Zhou Zhanggui had long served as the United Nations industrial development organization international small hydropower center the objectives - ICSHP program officer, repeatedly as the United Nations industrial development organization adviser to Latin America, Africa and other extreme high-risk countries implement the overseas projects, through and hold the safety and security department (UNDSS) senior field safety certificate issued, is also the domestic first non-traditional security management PhD graduates.


At present, the international security standards alliance has 100 member units, from government departments, private security companies and social groups. ICoCA certification qualification can be used as a key indicator for the qualification examination of security service enterprises for the reference of national and international organizations. It can play the role of "pre-examination" and become a "passport" for the international private security market. At present, Chinese security companies interested in developing overseas security services all regard joining ICoCA members and obtaining certifications as an important sign of improving their international capability.

ICoCA - OSS China collaborative program objectives

We will build a bridge between the international security standards alliance and China to realize the docking of security service standards and the improvement of business capabilities

ICoCA China observer office mission

1. Introducing international security standards and certification rules;

2. Organize relevant activities of ICoCA in China;

3. Build an exchange platform for international security services;

4. Policy research on international security services;

5. Assist in the market development of international security services;

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