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United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS)


The Department of Safety and Security was established in January 2005.

The responsibility for

1. Supports and provides security for the effective operation of United Nations operations, effectively and timely elimination of relevant security threats and other dangerous events;

2. Through the establishment of a coordinated security threat elimination and risk assessment system and effective risk mitigation mechanism,

3. Develop best practice security policies and standardize operational procedures for the entire United Nations system

4. Provide the most cost-effective security personnel by focusing on targeted recruitment, selection, training, deployment and career development

United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)


The United Nations System Staff College is located in Turin, Italy. The school has been providing courses and learning programmes for UN staff for more than a decade, benefiting an average of 7,000 people a year worldwide. The staff college of the United Nations system assists the United Nations and its staff in upgrading their skills and competitiveness by providing projects and services to better meet the challenges facing the organization. Its responsibilities include:

1. Strengthening inter-agency cooperation within the United Nations system

2. Promote a culture of cohesion management within the United Nations system

3. Support for continued learning and staff development within the United Nations system

4. Develop strategic leadership within the United Nations system

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