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OSS organizes industrial visits for the delegations from developing countries
Added:2023-06-20     Views:     字体:【big middle small

On June 16, a 39-member delegation from the Workshop on Building Digital and Service-oriented Governments in Developing Countries visited Hangzhou. The workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and hosted by the Shanghai Training Center for Economic and Information Technology Personnel in the Asia-Pacific Region (UNITAR Shanghai International Center). OSS International Collaboration Center participated in and accompanied the investigation as the coordinating body of the industrial activities in Hangzhou.

Members of the delegation come from the presidential offices, prime ministers and ministries and agencies of science and technology, economy and commerce of 10 countries, including Iraq, Dominica, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Panama, Ghana, Suriname and Mongolia. Through visiting representative enterprises, the delegation will learn about the development process of China's digital industry, the application of intelligent information technology and the experience of industrial digital empowerment. Learn China's best practice in the field of government digitization and service-oriented government construction.

During the first stop, the delegation visited the leading organization of digital psychological services - Hangzhou Xinling Mental Health Center and its community service points in Gudang Street, Xihu District. Director Sha Xianhui of the Center introduced to the delegation the results of the center's participation in government digitization and service-oriented government construction as a third party and the implementation of digital empowerment psychological services. Under the leadership of Director Sha, all members of the delegation experienced painting psychotherapy, personality cards, art therapy, psychological assessment instrument, virtual reality therapy instrument (VR), AI intelligent mood analyzer, psychological stress reduction training system, intelligent catharsis machine and other professional psychological assessment and treatment instruments. The members of the government delegations from 10 countries actively participated, and through their personal experience of intelligent psychological assessment and stress management system, they learned about the forefront of the development of China's psychological service business and digital psychological assessment tools, and the embedding of services in provinces, cities, districts, streets and communities. The atmosphere was warm during the interaction. The delegation spoke highly of the work done by the Centre in all aspects.

At the second stop of the field visit, the delegation entered the intelligent security and financial armed escort leading enterprise - AB Security Group. Party Secretary and Chairman Wu Gaojun accompanied the visit and delivered a welcome speech at the cooperation meeting, and hoped to take the visit as an opportunity to strengthen international cooperation, adhere to openness and win-win, let the advanced security technology and management model "go out", serve the local security and people live and work in peace, build a win-win community of human destiny, and make positive contributions to the cause of international peace. The technology company introduced to the delegation guests the scientific research achievements of AB Security in recent years, related industries and advanced technologies and experiences in financial armed security, intelligent transportation, smart campus, drones, digital security and other aspects, which aroused great interest of the delegation members. Mirna Youssef, an official at the Lebanese Prime Minister's Office, said: "AB Security Group represents the high-end level of intelligent security services in China, and I have great confidence in your ability to provide us with accurate, high-quality, efficient and reliable security services."

Dr. Zhou Zhanggui from the OSS International Collaboration Center accompanied the delegation throughout the visit and chaired the relevant collaborative meetings during the visit. During the accompanying period, he exchanged views with government officials from Iraq, Lebanon, Azerbaijan and other countries on psychological stress management of complex environments in volatile regions overseas, digital empowerment paths and core elements, and cooperation between overseas security business and host countries of "Belt and Road" projects. The delegation expressed appreciation for the coordination during the visit to Hangzhou, and is willing to further broaden the communication channels and follow-up mechanisms, and strengthen deeper exchanges and cooperation in related fields.

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