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The 2018 China-Africa Security Tech Collaboration Forum Opened in Hangzhou
Added:2018-07-14     Views:     字体:【big middle small

On July 5, the 2018 China-Africa Security Tech Collaboration Forum was opened. Nearly 90 African representatives from 14 African countries attended the forum, which was hosted by the OSS international Cooperation Center and organized by OSS Consulting Co., LTD.

Dr ZHOU Zhanggui, the Director of OSS International Collaboration Center chaired the meeting, and introduced the OSS international collaboration mechanism and main tasks, reported the achieivements and progress in collaboration with United Nations agencies, ICoCA, COMESA and other domestic international organizations.

On behalf of the African delegation, Mr. Hassan Ali Aboubaker, secretary-general of the Ministry of Higher Education of Djibouti, introduced the potential cooperation between China and Africa in the field of security scientific and technological innovation. He hoped that relevant cooperation intentions could be implemented as soon as possible under the OSS International Collaboration Mechanism. Mr. Moukouyou Paul, director of the development bureau of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Congo, introduced the foreign investment policies of relevant African countries, deeply expressing the opportunities and potential demands.


Representatives from Zhejiang Security Tech Association, Zhejiang Anbang Security Service Group,Nanhu Security Service Company, Overseas Security Guardians and OSS Consulting Company introduced their service experiences and African promotion plans.

During the meeting, Dr. ZHOU Zhanggui and Mr.Hassan discussed the China-Africa Project Collabortation Plan under the OSS international collabortion mechanism with efforts from two sides. Representatives from Algeria, benin, Burundi, Congo (cloth), Congo (gold), Djibouti, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Comoros, Cameroon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal visited OSS international collaboration center, and had meetings to discussing security and technology innovation cooperation.

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