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Sino-Africa Security Collaboration Conference Launching COMESA Collaboration Mechanism
Added:2018-07-14     Views:     字体:【big middle small

On March 6, 2018, Sino-Africa Security Collaboration Conference was held in Hangzhou and OSS International Collaboration Mechanism launched on the meeting. Mr.Sindiso Ngwenya, Secretary-General of the Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA) and his delegation attended the meeting on behalf of COMESA. Dr. ZHOU Zhanggui, Director of the Institute for Overseas Safety and Security, NTS-PD, Zhejiang University,Observer, and CSO member of ICoCA chaired the meeting.

Representatives from Zhejiang Security Tech Association, the Overseas Security Service Commitee of Zhejiang Security Association, Hangzhou Security Services Group, Wenzhou Security services Corporation, Hanwei International Security Guard Company and other enterprises in zhejiang attended the meeting. The conference was co-organized by OSS International Collaboration Center and OSS Consulting Co,.

OSS International Collaboration Mechanism was launched during the meeting,Mr.Sindiso Ngwenya, Secretary-General of COMESA appointed as the Senior Advisor for OSS international collaboration center.Dr.ZHOU Zhanggui introduced the main objectives and tasks of the OSS international collaboration mechanism, and 2020 work plan between OSS and COMESA under BRI. The two parties will make efforts to further information exhcange on potential project and service cooperation in Eastern and Southen Africa. Mr. Ngwenya expressed his pleasure to work with Chinese partners as a senior adviser to jointly promote future project implementation in 19 COMESA member countries. The representatives of Chinese enterprises and the African delegation discussed the cooperation intention in security services, smart cities, security equipment in Africa. After the meeting, Dr. Zhou Zhanggui accompanied SG of COMESA and his delegation to visit zhejiang university, Huzhou municipal government and other institutions, and exchanged views on cooperation in the security service and energy cooperation with present stakeholders.

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