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2018 International Forum on Non-Traditional Security opened in Hangzhou
Added:2018-11-16     Views:     字体:【big middle small

A group photo at the Lecture Hall of Zhejiang University

On November 4, 2018, the first Forum on Non-traditional Security and Overseas Interest Protection was held in Zhejiang University, base at the city of Hangzhou, China. This forum was designed with a theme of "International Private Security Service for Overseas Interest Protection". More than 40 experts and representatives for different stakeholders including government departments, industry associations and research institutions were invited to the forum for sharing views on international private security regulations and China future mode of overseas security service.

The forum is co-sponsored by the Center for Non-traditional Security and Peaceful Development Studies of Zhejiang University and OSS International Collaboration Center, and supported by The International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA), Zhejiang Security Technology Association, China Golden Eagle Peaceful Development Foundation, Hainan Institute of Public Security, Zhongjun Security Service Group, Yuhuang Group, Anbang Guard Group, Nanhu Security Service Company, Wenzhou Security Service Corporation and others. Officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial Government, Zhejiang Public Security Department and other relevant governmental departments also attended the forum.

Dr. Zhou Zhanggui, observer of the International Code of Conduct for Security (ICoCA) and director of the OSS International Collaboration Center/ Institute for Overseas Safety and Security chaired the forum and delivered a message of congratulations from Mr. Jamie Williamson, Executive Director of the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA), and introduced the structure of the International Code of Conduct Association and its functions on certification, monitoring and complain. As a very important session, the newly translated mandarin documents of ICoCA Guidance on Company Grievance Mechanisms were introduced to the participants, besides these documents, Dr. ZHOU also delivered a speech on International Private Security Regulation, with a focus on the explanation of the Montreux Document, ICoC, ISO18788, ISO28007 and UN documents on human rights protection.

Mr. Li Boqing, Executive Director of China Golden Eagle Peaceful Development Foundation, introduced the progress of International Security Service regulation research program in cooperation with OSS Team of Zhejiang University. He believed that Chinese private security enterprises started late compared to the western companies, and it is of great significance to jointly promote the Sinicization of international security service standards, which will help Chinese security enterprises to be in line with international regulations and standards.

Mr. Wu Zhipei, Deputy Secretary-General of Zhejiang Security Technology Association, thinks that there is still a lot of room for growth in China's security market. Looking at the global security manufacturers, they are in the forefront of the whole industry in terms of security technology innovation and overall solution capability. Overseas revenue is becoming a new growth pole of China's security companies' performance.

Professor Yu Xiaofeng, Director of the Center for Non-traditional Security and Peaceful Development Studies, Zhejiang University, introduced the progress of the Center in various fields of non-traditional security research since its establishment. As the first doctoral point of non-traditional security management established in China and the "China Core Think Tank" of AMI, Overseas Safety and Security (OSS) research team affiliated to the Center have achieved rich results in overseas security theory and practice, international standards and cooperation, but there are still many problems to be further studied and deepened. The first Forum on Non-traditional Security and Overseas Interest Protection is a very important platform of view exchanges and dialogues from different stakeholders.

With the above opening speeches, the forum is followed by three sessions. The first session focuses on "International Private Security Regulations" and invites representatives of international organizations and experts to give keynote speeches, introducing the process of international security regulation and national regulation.

The second session focuses on "Overseas Security Risk and Recognition" and invites experts from academia to make speeches on such topics as "Anti-terrorism", and "National Security Briefing", which shows the theoretical height and practical dilemma of non-traditional security and overseas interest protection.

The third session focuses on "Overseas Security Cases and Best Practices", inviting representatives of security and security service providers to share their overseas business practices.

Session discussions among speakers

The speakers of the above forum sessions include Dr. Zhou Ran, Chinese Government Regulation Research Institute, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Professor Xie Guiping, Center for frontier security and development of China, Sichuan University, Ms. Liao Danzi, associate professor from the School of public administration, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Mr.Lima, from Republic of Congo, now postgraduate of Zhejiang University of Technology. Mr. Adam, from Sudan, now graduate student of the center for non-traditional security and peacegul development studiies, Zhejiang University, Ms. Wang Mengting, PHD candidate of School of public administration, Zhejiang University, Mr.Wang Binli, the former project consultant of Control Risks, Mr. Zheng Yilin, director of international business department, Hikvision, Mr. Wu Xueyan, General Manager, International Operation Branch of Zhongjun Junhong Hong Security Group (Overseas Guardians), Mr. Tang Quan, director of strategic planning, Zhongchengwei security group, Ms. Wu Hongyu, executive manager of Nanhu security company, Mr. Li Le, International Department of Anbang Save-Guard group, Mr. Lin Chuanjiang, general manager of Wenzhou Security Company, Mr. Tao Jianyu, Board Director of Yu Huang group.

During the closing ceremony, Professor Yu Xiaofeng, Director of the Center for Non-traditional Security and Peaceful Development Studies, Zhejiang University, summarized the consensus and follow-up mechanism of the conference. The participants agreed on the strategic importance of safeguarding overseas interest by private security services, the importance of complying with international rules, and the importance of best practical experience. In terms of follow-up mechanism, annual forums, business model reports on best practices, overseas research and training seminars will be organized each year to maintain the sustainability.

After the forum, participants had a visit tour on the OSS institute, the Center for Non-traditional Security and Peaceful Development Studies, in the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University.

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