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OSS organizes African government delegations to visit "China Vision Valley"
Added:2024-06-20     Views:     字体:【big middle small

On June 17, 2024, the Institute for Overseas Safety and Security, the Shanghai Asia-Pacific Training Center for Economic and Information Technology Personnel and the Shanghai International Training Center of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, jointly organized a delegation of more than 30 African Governments' Digital Transformation Workshop to visit the China Vision Valley Industrial Park in Hangzhou. In-depth understanding of the park's digital security, smart medical, autonomous driving and other intelligent vision industries, and carried out discussions on future digital industry cooperation. The meeting was strongly supported and warmly received by the operator of China Vision Valley Industrial Park, and the relevant person in charge made a comprehensive introduction to the industrial guidance policies and foreign cooperation fields of the park. During the visit, the foreign representatives spoke highly of the development status of Hangzhou's digital industry and various policies. Dr. Zhou Zhanggui, Directo of OSS, with interns of his postgraduate practice base and representatives of the expert studio, accompanied the whole visit and conducted in-depth exchanges with foreign representatives on strengthening international cooperation.

In the "China Vision Valley" exhibition center, with the electronic welcome screen slowly opened, the foreign representatives felt the "future sense" of the high integration of modern industrial system and smart Internet of Things in the exhibition hall. The staff introduced multiple application scenarios based on artificial intelligence and machine vision technology to the visiting delegates, and the technological innovation and transformation achievements of Hangzhou's relevant digital industry leaders such as digital security, smart medical treatment, 3D printing, automatic driving, and meta-universe were presented one by one. "Artificial intelligence +" focuses on the "vision +" and "+ vision" innovative application and deep integration with manufacturing entities, highlighting the new business card of urban industry with Hangzhou characteristics.

During the exchange session, Ms. Chen Cheng, the representative of the operator of the China View Valley Industrial Park, introduced the basic situation of the development of the China View Valley Industrial Park to the visiting delegation, including the policies on attracting talents such as spatial layout, regional linkage, industrial funds, and supporting services, and carried out interactive exchanges on various issues raised by the foreign representatives and international cooperation policies of concern. The visiting representatives greatly appreciated the advanced level of China's digital industry development demonstrated by the agglomeration effect of Vision Valley.

It is reported that "China Vision Valley" is a key breakthrough for Hangzhou to focus on building a trillion-level intelligent Internet of Things industry ecosystem. It is committed to building an industrial ecology led by 3D machine vision, and promoting key industries such as digital security, autonomous driving, and smart medical care.

The delegation mainly includes 20 division-level officials from the Comoros government's Ministry of Digital Economy, Ministry of Information, ICT Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Tourism, etc. The International Cooperation Center for Overseas Safety and Security invited the Zambian Police Planning Bureau, Congo Gold Mining Company and other foreign representatives to participate. Recently, the International Cooperation Center for Overseas Safety and Security also organized and received a number of foreign delegations from the African Union Commission, the Common Market for Southeast Africa and other foreign delegations to Hangzhou for exchange activities, and accompanied the visit to Hangzhou digital information industry institutions to jointly discuss the promotion of future industrial cooperation, assist relevant industries in international cooperation and safe sea, and jointly exchange "high-quality co-construction of the 'Belt and Road', Work together for common development and prosperity."

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